Monday, December 29, 2008

Totally Accessories

Nowadays, its hard to keep up with the newest trends and accessories because they are constantly changing and it isn't so pretty for the wallet.

I have a secret!

Most of my accessories are ones that I get on CLEARANCE from Claire's or ICING! I know that those stores sound really teeny bopperish, but some of them aren't so much and they work! I admit that some of their stuff is overpriced (yes, I'm a cheapy!)... so I don't even look at anything that isn't on clearance! They used to have a section that was 10 items for $5, but during the past couple years, they jacked that price up 100% up to 10 items for $10!! Even so, you can find some great deals here!

I know that I've seen some accessories stores in California that are amazingly cheap for really really cute accessories, but for those of us who don't have those stores available to us, this will suffice!

Yes, I sometimes splurge on earrings that are a whole whoppin' $5 or so before (hahaha... I know that doesn't sound like much, but I'd rather save the $4 for a vanilla latte or something). Sometimes, there really aren't ten cute items all at once, so I would just pick up some headbands or other junk in the clearance bin to make up the full ten required for the deal. The great thing about this is that even if the earrings, necklace, rings, or bracelets break... you wouldn't feel as bad about it breaking (or getting lost) because it only cost you $1 and you can easily save the heartache and time and just pick up a new pair without breaking the bank! :)

AND... if you want to get really crafty, you can turn your earrings or whatever it is that you have broken into something else! With a little bends and twists of the wire and maybe some help from a few pieces from a craft store, you can turn it into your own creation!

Maybe I'll post some pictures of some of the things I've gotten for such a great deal later! :)